Staying Healthy, Preventing Seasonal Colds.

With the weather becoming colder and colder, and finals right around the corner, it’s not only necessary but vital to maintain a strong healthy body and immune system. While Covid is still prevalent on a local and global scale, the common cold is silently deadly as well. 

In order to stay healthy and ensure that those around you are also in good health, here are some tips to follow for this winter season. 

1) Bundle up!! Staying warm, whether it be indoors or outdoors, is important to prevent shivers and chills. At night, add on that extra blanket to feel warm and toasty.

2) Get lots of Vitamin D to boost your immune system. Oftentimes, Vitamin C gets the spotlight, but it's important to not skimp out on your daily dose of Vitamin D, which should be easy to achieve by simply being outside under the sun!

3) Green tea is a great source of antioxidants and is a health nut staple. An apple away keeps the doctor away but a bottle of green tea ensures that you’re sickness free! Not only is green tea good for you, but it is also great tasting. Need to spend your meal points before the end of the semester ? Grab a bottle of green tea from The Grove or head to the library Starbucks and treat yourself with a Matcha Latte. 

4) Eat your VEGETABLES. Veggies are a vital part of every meal in that they provide nutrients and vitamins, as well as aid in maintaining a balanced diet. Vegetables also boost the immune system which is very much needed during the cold season. 

5) Practicing good hygiene ! Washing your hands is key to maintaining health safety since hands carry lots of bacteria and germs. Making sure to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing is also a must in order to protect those around you as well. 

Boosting your own health is not only important for yourself but also plays a significant role in protecting your community. For the sake of yourself and others, be sure to maintain your own health and practice good hygiene etiquette for the holiday season!

Pauline Le

Staff Writer

First Year 2+3 Pre-Pharmacy Major

A part of The Pacifican since 2021


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