Bridging The Gap Between STEM and Humanities
An introduction to a new interview series by Joshua Vaughan about the importance of an education that includes both STEM and the Humanities
What truly fulfills us in life? Is there a singular calling or a dream job that defines our purpose? These questions echo through college life, where the pursuit of knowledge serves as a catalyst, sparking an internal struggle as we grapple with societal expectations of pinpointing that one thing destined to bring complete happiness.
I'm Joshua Vaughan, a second-year pre-dental student at the University of the Pacific. While actively engaging in STEM research, my love for exploration extends beyond the confines of my academic focus. Our campus, with its hidden gems like the Janet Leigh Theater and the Reynolds Gallery, presents a diverse milieu often overlooked when singularly honed in on a specific subject. Immersing myself in opportunities such as student concerts and tutoring programs has proven to be a rewarding way to connect with other friends and peers. Delving into these somewhat unknown opportunities has broadened my perspective and enriched my personal college experience.
I struggled with being confined by a single label that defines my entire identity. I've actively pursued well-roundedness, challenging the notion that "a Jack of all trades is a master of none." Instead, I resonate with the lesser-mentioned second half of that phrase, “but a jack of all trades is better than a master of one”. Balancing this approach, especially within the STEM-focused realm, is essential. Often, we find ourselves constricted to our specific disciplines, detached from the broader spectrum of education that could enrich our understanding and learning within our fields.
Passionate about learning, I strive to integrate every facet of my life, applying diverse perspectives to various situations. The conventional emphasis on rote memorization falls short of providing a holistic understanding. I believe that the intersection of both humanities and STEM is overlooked in our education system. Incorporating storytelling to elucidate scientific processes or conveying medical procedures with empathy can significantly enhance comprehension and communication. This connection extends beyond the classroom, fostering meaningful connections and sparking conversations that wouldn't occur through mere memorization.
In essence, what fulfills me the most is conversation. Connecting with others, sharing moments, and expanding my understanding through dialogue contribute to my sense of fulfillment. Bridging the gap between humanities and STEM unites our community, preventing further isolation into distinct, distant sects. This interview series delves into the intersection of disciplines, exploring perspectives from professors, students, and others, revealing what brings them fulfillment. Ultimately, it contributes to our communal understanding of what makes us human. As I navigate new avenues and ideas, my purpose evolves, reinforcing the understanding that fulfillment doesn't hinge on pinpointing one specific thing but rather on the continual exploration of purpose, one conversation at a time.