Shah & Gomez: Meet the Candidates
Lizbet Garcia Lizbet Garcia

Shah & Gomez: Meet the Candidates

“ASuop elections are here and it’s time to vote! It is imperative that students participate in electing the representatives for the student organization that does so much for the student body. As presidential candidate Sahila Shah puts it, “ASuop is a coalition of staff and students that are working towards change and student engagement. Whether it’s hosting fun activities or proposing resolutions to introduce new developments, ASuop does it all.”’

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Pacific Professors Experiencing Burnout
Isabel Acevedo Isabel Acevedo

Pacific Professors Experiencing Burnout

“Previously, I have written an article on student burnout for the Pacifican. Now, we’re highlighting another case of burnout: one that affects our very own professors at the university.“

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Legal Scholars Program Welcomes New Director Dan Croxall
Maddie Tawa Maddie Tawa

Legal Scholars Program Welcomes New Director Dan Croxall

“As the new semester gets underway and students slowly return to in-person instruction, Pacific exists transitively as the world continues to move around it. This is perhaps felt most heavily in Pacific’s academic circles, particularly in the Legal Scholars program. “

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Astroworld Tragedy
Pauline Le Pauline Le

Astroworld Tragedy

“What was supposed to be a fun Travis Scott concert turned out to be a tragedy as the crowd could not be controlled, resulting in the death of ten (the youngest being a 9 year old boy) and still counting, as well as the injuries of several hundred concert goers.”

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Ghosts Noticeably Missing on Knoles Lawn
Jasmin Prasad Jasmin Prasad

Ghosts Noticeably Missing on Knoles Lawn

“Safe Trick or Treat” was highly missed this year; there was a lack of Halloween spirit in the air without trick-or-treaters roaming around in their extravagant costumes leaving trails of candy wrappers in their path.

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