The Importance of Student Run Newspapers

Photo provided by Holt-Atherton Special Collections

Why The Pacifican matters and why you should join!

Student run newspapers have become important not only to college students but also to the community that surrounds them by giving students a place to share their voice and write about what is important to them. Student run newspapers have existed since the 1700’s; they have been an important part of campus life at many institutions for hundreds of years,  and I believe that The Pacifican is no different. 

In an age of disinformation and polarization, student newspapers have become more important than ever. They provide a new perspective that is often overlooked by authority figures as well as other students  and allow students to have a news source composed of their peers. As young adults, we do not have many spaces where our voices are taken very seriously, but The Pacifican and other student-run newspapers do the work of providing that space. Because Pacific is such a small university, this problem becomes exacerbated. There are even fewer spaces for students to speak out, especially concerning problems they have with the university itself. The paper is a stand out part of the university because it highlights how students on campus actually feel, and it gives everyone an opportunity to learn about Pacific from a student’s perspective. 

Here at The Pacifican every single writer has the chance to voice their opinions on the world and on what is happening at Pacific. I chose to write for The Pacifican because I knew it would give me an incredible opportunity and it is one that I am eternally grateful for. The article I am writing now is only my 3rd article with The Pacifican, but I have already learned so much about what it means to be a writer from my peers. Before I became a staff writer, I kept up with The Pacifican pretty regularly as I loved being able to read what other students had to say about campus life. 

Every section in The Pacifican is an opportunity to learn about student life and about your peers. Opinion showcases diverse viewpoints. News covers events that Pacific students believe to be important. Lifestyles gives a look into the lives of students and staff at the university. Sports provides a look into recent games and encourages school spirit in students. The paper has so much to offer for readers and even more to offer for students interested in writing. 

The paper is not just a platform for students, it is also a tool that more students should be utilizing. Being a writer with The Pacifican gives students the chance to improve their writing skills, learn how to write with quick turnover times, and understand the complexities of different writing styles. Even if you are not interested in pursuing a career in journalism, improving your writing skills in a journalistic environment is a great way to make sure that your writing is constantly evolving. 

When I joined The Pacifican, I was unsure of how much work I would have to take on. Honestly, I was a bit scared. I had never written for a publication, and my confidence in my writing skills were not as high as they should have been. Now that I have been a writer for a semester, I can assure you that joining was an amazing decision and one I do not regret. Writing for the paper has improved my writing and boosted my confidence in my writing abilities. It has offered me a great support system and I have been able to meet so many amazing people. I highly encourage anyone even slightly interested in becoming a Staff Writer to check out The Pacifican’s social media and talk to any Staff Writers you know (maybe even me)! Many will tell you it is a great decision to make!


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