Caitlin Rose
Majoring in Communication, Minor in Music Industries Studies
Caitlin’s other involvements on campus include Kilusan Pilipino club, being a singer in the Vocal Performance group in the First Year Honors program, and community service and volunteering through the Pacific Volunteer Center, one of her favorite service events being the annual Coastal Cleanup!
She was born and raised in Stockton. Her hobbies are singing, songwriting, reading, watching movies, listening to music, shopping, going to concerts, cooking, being in nature, and meeting new people! Some of her interests and passions include writing, fashion, content creation/social media, mental health, and music! She hopes to start promoting and releasing her own music.
When asked about what she looks forward to about being a part of The Pacifican, she said “One thing I am looking forward to about being on The Pacifican staff is meeting everyone and getting to know each unique and individual perspective the editors and writers have. One piece I'm excited to write will definitely be about Stockton's Filipino community, since I am a Filipina-American and have grown such a bond with Kilusan Pilipino club this year!”