No Tricks, More Treats: Pacific’s Annual Trick-or-Treat
It was, in fact, not a dark and stormy night. It was a crisp and clear fall evening of spook-tackular fun.
With over 46 tables ranging from the DeRosa University Center Lawn to the Sorority House Circle to Knoles Lawn, and costumes ranging from inflatable dinosaurs to Mario Brothers characters to a Julius Little Caesars (complete with a pizza-box spear), Pacific did its absolute best to offer a safe night to the multitudes of families that came to celebrate the holiday a few days early with a candy and game-filled evening.
Pacific’s Safe Trick-or-Treat is a beloved tradition that like everything else had to be canceled last year due to COVID. But this year, Pacific and the Stockton community rallied together and thanks to all of the faculty, staff, students, and families, we were able to come back with a bang. Even Powercat, our university’s mascot and Callie, President Callahan’s energetic and loving dog, made appearances.
“This is the best Halloween party I’ve ever been to,” our university’s president Christopher Callahan proudly exclaimed. He was more than happy with the turn-out of the event. “It’s a great day, perfect weather, here on beautiful Knoles Lawn, I just couldn’t think of a better evening.”
Dressed in a fun hot dog costume, Moiz B., Computer Science, ‘25, echoes this sentiment. So does Kappa Alpha Theta member Yasmeen Seddeek, Media X, ‘23. Though stationed at two different areas they both were there alongside their fellow students to promote a safe and welcoming community to children who may one day find themselves in our current students’ boots.
But this event is not just about having fun, it is also largely if not completely about giving back to and interacting with our community. “I think it’s really to take down the Pacific kind of barrier between our institution and the Pacific community.” ASuop President Angel Zhong, English and Psychology, ‘23, said. “And we also really wanted to help, be part of the effort to dismantle that and create a unified front versus, you know, an us versus them type idea.”

The night was really a treat for everyone involved, no tricks here! We hope to see everyone and maybe some new faces next year. Now go get some more candy, Happy Halloween!