APRIL FOOLS!- Meet the Ghosts of the University of the Pacific
On older campuses such as the University of the Pacific, it should be no surprise that ghosts reside all over campus. With the campus itself being around one hundred years old, there has been plenty of time for many ghosts to take up residence.
“The ghost community is quite large here at UOP," said Harold, who is currently the resident ghost of the DUC. "It's a very close community that I am proud to be a part of."
The University of the Pacific is currently home to 999 different ghosts, each occupying different areas of the campus. Yet, despite the large number of ghosts already residing here, they are still looking for more.
"We're always looking for more ghosts to join us," said Susan, the ghost of the university library. "It's true that there's already 999 of us here, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for 1,000."
Susan declined to comment on whether or not the University ghosts are doing anything to try to add to the number of ghosts already on campus; but Jimothy, the ghost of the WPC, said that they "tried to get existing ghosts to relocate to UOP" but were unsuccessful. "But we still haven't given up," Jimothy continued. "We're still trying, and I'm sure that we will succeed eventually, even if we have to make new ghosts ourselves."
But, as for now, there remains only 999 ghosts occupying the University of the Pacific.